Turkey Cooking Ideas - Recipes for Leftovers
Best Leftover Smoked Turkey Recipes & Ideas

But what about beyond the basic roasting, smoking, and carving. Looking for more ideas to make your turkey special on the big day? Or better yet, ideas for leftovers?
At Burgers' Smokehouse, we help you out for the main event by using our time-honored simple dry rub and slow smoking recipes to roast the perfect turkey for you every time. Our smokemasters can take the guesswork out of "how long here" and "how long do I brine there" and deliver you with a perfectly smoked, evenly brined, fully cooked turkey that everyone at the table will love.
After you've heated it and eaten it, if you have some leftover, what's next? We want to share a couple of our recipes with you. Might we suggest:
Most ingredients you'll find in your pantry and fridge already, these pinwheels make for a great light lunch (pair with a green salad) or as an appetizer.
It's also great to make the filling ahead so that it's ready when you are!
A great way to make a meal for different schedules - for anyone to grab during the long weekend or for lunch after the holiday!
Tip: If there is an extra raw veggie you have leftover too, try chopping it up & throwing it in this mix for extra flavor and color!
There are lots of leftover recipes out there, but these are a couple of our go-to favorites that can be made ahead and are full of flavor for any discerning taste buds. Whatever your plans are this holiday season, we hope you are able to spend time with those you appreciate and love.
If we can help make your holiday easier by doing some of the cooking, order your turkey today - we ship everywhere & shipping is free to most locations!